This Is How The Government Is Stopping You From Living Independently is one of the most successful site’s with the latest news!

It’s been a very long time since I have had warm feelings about my government.

The corruption at the highest level is blatant and they don’t even attempt to hide it anymore.

Here are 9 ways the government is stopping you from living independently.

Limiting Freedom Of Speech

I chose the limiting of speech as the first stop on this ride because of how important your speech is.

In 2020 we saw the full force of censorship on social media platforms, media outlets, and some people even suffered the consequences of losing jobs over speech.

The revelations in the Twitter files in 2022 and how cozy our government has become with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have better helped us understand all the ways our government limits speech.

The modern-day soapbox is being monitored and you will be kicked off it if the government sees utility in it.

Limiting 2nd Amendment Rights

This Is How The Government Is Stopping You From Living Independently

The thing about being able to say what you want is that it only works if you are able to protect that ability, in our case it’s a right.

There is a reason that our founding fathers said, “#1 freedom of speech and #2 right to keep and bear arms.”

They understood the power of your words and more importantly your ability to defend that right to say what you want!

Allowing Monopolized Purchasing Of Single-Family Homes

Powerful investors are buying up as much as 1/3 of the single-family homes in the US. These powerful investment firms have all the capital and all the backing. Now, if a government was going to step in on an issue wouldn’t it make sense to keep an eye on this?

We are facing a crisis of homelessness all over the nation. We should not be limiting access to these homes just to build a wealth investment firms portfolio.

When we think about “conspiracy theories” like The Great Reset most people scoff at phrases like “you will own nothing and you will like it”, it seems impossible, right? How could they pull something like that off?

Well, what if they own 50% of single-family homes by this time next year?

Attacking At Home Food Production

egg hens

Backyard laying hens are one of the simplest animals that you can keep. If you can keep them from getting eaten, then you have already conquered the hard part. Well, that is if you are legally allowed to keep them.

Eggs cost around $6 a dozen average right now in this nation. That is wild!

A government that cared about its people would be loosening backyard hen keeping restrictions and talking about how easy it could be for millions of Americans to produce 6 eggs a day in their own backyard!

Blocking Water Storage Capabilities

Water storage is essential, not just to preppers. All people need to have access to water. This is not just about World War III or an EMP.  It is a measure of our own independence to be able to have access to water.

In many places, all over the country, governments have instated laws keeping Americans from gathering water in rain barrels. This immediately takes a major means of water independence away from you. The average rain barrel can hold 55 gallons of water for you to use in an emergency.

That water can be harvested and filtered as shown in this guide, and used to drink, or it can simply be used to flush toilets when the water is out.

Whatever you use it for having that extra water makes you stronger as an individual and more prepared. It is mind boggling that the government would want to stand in the way of that.

Manipulation Of Energy Prices

fuel production

Whether you are keeping up a rural homestead or living in the suburbs of America, chances are that you need to have fuel to live your best life.

When the government gets in the way of a market that is trying to meet the demand of market that government is stepping way out of line.

In this energy crisis that we are in there has been one hindrance bigger than all the rest. Our government here in the US has weakened our fuel production to levels not seen before. We have been pulling from our strategic oil reserves and none of it is necessary.

The reality is that we have been and should be a net exporter of fuel in this nation. Not only is it important for your independence to have access to affordable fuel, it makes a safer world when America is exporting fuel in massive amounts over places like Russia.

Starting Wars

Living independently is tough when the threat of nuclear war is looming over your head. In our nation the President must seek approval from Congress to go to war. Yet, of the many wars or ‘conflict’ we have been involved with there hasn’t been a lot of approval seeking!

Here we sit again, facing a couple of ‘conflicts’ that are affecting our freedom and daily life, yet not one of us gets to raise our hand and say yes or no for involvement with this war in Ukraine or the brewing conflict in Taiwan.

While you might think you can move away from cities and get to an isolated place where war will not affect you, if it gets bad enough it will affect everyone on this planet!

Attacking Your Income


Such sweeping changes have come about over the last 3 years, and they have come without our input, that we can argue that things like war, education, and the general passing of laws and spending bills has reached a point of taxation without representation.

Still, our tax burden grows.

This year the IRS is going as far as taxing payments of $600 or more that are made to you through payment processors like PayPal and Venmo.

Every bit of income that is taken from you by your government and reappropriated in a way that you have no say in is killing your independence and stopping you from living independently.

The End-Of-Life Monopoly

When someone you love gets terminally ill or passes away it is one of the hardest things on the family at large. It’s such a big issue that it can literally rip families apart.

Whether you are seeking affordable medical care for the person you love or dealing with an estate and all that goes along with it, the government is there to “help” at every turn.

Did you know that if you don’t have the money to pay for care for your aging parents then the government will “help” by seizing their assets and selling them off so you can stick them in a nursing home.

The government will also weasel its way between you and anything you put on a will so they can divert some of your inheritance to bureaucracy.

Should you not be able to keep up with the property that you have inherited or afford the taxes, the government will gladly seize that wealth that was left to you in the will your parents drew up.

It is true that over the last 20 years government has grown to an incredible size with astronomical monetary demands. It is not the first time in history we have seen this story play out.

The independence and strength of the individual is what is necessary in our time. Though the government seems to be doing its best to kill our independence, there is almost always a way around it

We still have the right to vote and the power to communicate with our representatives. You may even be able to go in front of a city council and discuss certain grievances.

While this might sound like a hail Mary, I have seen laws and rules change many times because groups were formed and those groups stood before elected officials and made a case.

That begs the question: Is the government killing our independence because we are too comfortable to fight for it?


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