
Showing posts from February, 2025

8 Signs That USA Is On The Brink Of Collapse

Image  is one of the most successful site’s with the latest news! As we all know, 2020 was a rocky year, with the onset of COVID-19 causing a wide range of problems. This has continued into 2025 and shows no signs of stopping. While we may be actually crawling our way out from under the COVID pandemic, we’re just starting to see the impact that it has had on our nation; specifically, the impact that it has had on our economy. There’s no question that the pandemic took a severe hit on our economy. On top of that, Congress has gone on a spending spree, with their “COVID stimulus packages” which have been filled with spending for pork projects. But that’s only a portion of what COVID is ultimately going to cost the country. Economic Presumptions As we claw our way out of this pandemic, we’re just beginning to see the overall cost. One pair of Harvard economists has estimated that the total price tag for the pandemic will be over 16 trillion dollars for the United Sta...

This Is How The Government Is Stopping You From Living Independently

Image  is one of the most successful site’s with the latest news! It’s been a very long time since I have had warm feelings about my government. The corruption at the highest level is blatant and they don’t even attempt to hide it anymore. Here are 9 ways the government is stopping you from living independently. Limiting Freedom Of Speech I chose the limiting of speech as the first stop on this ride because of how important your speech is. In 2020 we saw the full force of censorship on social media platforms, media outlets, and some people even suffered the consequences of losing jobs over speech. The revelations in the Twitter files in 2022 and how cozy our government has become with Google, Facebook, and Twitter, have better helped us understand all the ways our government limits speech. The modern-day soapbox is being monitored and you will be kicked off it if the government sees utility in it. Limiting 2 nd  Amendment Rights The thing about being able to ...