Top 6 Most Dangerous Medicines For People Over 40… Are You Taking any of These? is one of the most successful site’s with the latest news!
Many people weigh their physical and mental health by how often they see a physician. Those who rarely find themselves in the presence of doctors tend to be better for it. This is strictly anecdotal but consider what Voltaire said in the 18th Century.
“The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.”
All kidding aside, doctors are a very important part of our society. You will face an infection or virus that will require a doctor. This article is not intended to vilify your physician. In 2018 you have access to medical care at any moment. If you are suffering from a severe infection or illness, seek medical treatment.
What this article is intended for is to understand that there are prescriptions out there that are imprisoning people. I chose the word ‘imprisoning’ carefully because it best describes the life of someone who has become dependent on the various medications we are going to talk about.
There is a lot of money to be made in the business of medicating humans. It’s a massive industry that has bigger concerns than your health. Take this example by Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity:
“Pharmaceutical companies quietly fund opposition to medical marijuana ballot initiatives because the data shows that the use of safe and effective marijuana seriously cuts into the extremely profitable sales of highly addictive and deadly opiates.”
These lipid lowering drugs are often prescribed to people with heart conditions and have seen a serious boom as of late. I am sure you know at least one person over 40 who is on statins. These drugs will reduce blood lipids but they come with a slew of other side effects. It seems statins can be linked to other life-threatening disease as well as negatively effecting the overall efficiency of the body.
To best understand the motivations behind statins you must get a grip on the industry. Consider this from the
“Heart disease, as many of us know, is one of the leading causes of death in the US, killing about 610,000 people each year. Big Pharma—in the belief that cholesterol is the primary factor in heart disease—developed statin drugs that would lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. The drugs, which have been accompanied by massive marketing campaigns, are huge moneymakers for the drug industry, to the tune of about $29 billion worth of sales in 2013. That’s the kind of outrageous money you make when you convince one in four Americans over the age of 45 to take statins.”
Cholesterol is the glue that heals your endothelial wall. It is not a death sentence, it’s an important part of your body’s natural functions. The best way for you to get your levels in order is to exercise. There are things like oat bran, garlic and barley that have been shown to affect cholesterol levels as well.
We could start with the low hanging fruit and mention most of mass shooters who were prescribed these medications. That is an argument against them that is all over the web today. The deeper root of the issue with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors is the patient’s ability to manage the medication and the use of these meds as a long-term solution.
These medications become incredibly dangerous when the dosage changes sporadically i.e. if the person on them forgets or decides not to take so many or stops taking them altogether. There are no safeties in place to stop this. Instead, you have an individual who is struggling with their own mind and altering its chemistry as well.
The best examples of SSRI use come from folks who paid close attention to their bodies, used the as a rung to grasp and once they felt better weaned off them. The biggest problem is that it pays to keep people on them.
Flu Vaccine
The flu vaccine is a gamble. It’s a gamble every year. Doctors attempt to tell the future by guessing which strains of the flu will show up and do the most harm in the coming season. These strains make up the flu vaccine and are pumped into your body.
It’s a more precise than doctors pulling strains of the flu out of a hat but it’s still very much a gamble. I have only taken one flu shot and it was the year my first son was born. I didn’t get the flu but I haven’t gotten the flu in many years.
There are allergy concerns as well as other contaminants found within the makeup of the flu vaccine.
The flu is a virus and I have found that the best way to deal with viral infections is by pumping yourself with high doses of ascorbic acid. Each day I take between 1-2000mgs of Vitamin C in the crystalized form.
You may not have expected to see Ibuprofen on the list. It is a benign pain reliever and anti-inflammatory, right? Low dose, probably something you take at least once a week. The truth of the matter is that prolonged regular use of Ibuprofen can wreak havoc on your body. Consistent use will do long lasting damage to internal organs like the liver and the kidneys.
The other important and less known issue is the effect ibuprofen has on inflammation and your gut. Anti-inflammatory OTCs have been linked to stomach issues and bleeding ulcers in the stomach.
One of the best ways to rid yourself of inflammation is to look at what you are eating. Things like gluten and sugars have been shown to increase inflammation in the body. Eating foods like ginger and turmeric along with things like fatty fish can affect the inflammation in your body. Look at your diet for answers to your pain problems before taking pills.
Prednisone and Cortisone
The steroids are being prescribed to people in America all the time. Some people who suffer from things like asthma, lupus and rashes are on these medications. You could get them prescribed for other issues as well. These meds mess with natural hormone production in your body. They also have negative effects on your immune system. They should never be taken for prolonged periods.
They have also been shown to affect:
- Blood Sugar
- Mood
- Weight Gain
- Fluid Retention
In most cases you are taking these meds for some sort of inflammation. It’s important to look at how your diet and exercise as well as daily activities and environment might be affecting your inflammation. Similar to what was recommended for the use of Ibuprofen.
If you have ever seen someone ravaged by chemotherapy its terrible to watch. Chemo is our answer to cancer right now and it’s a bad one. In most cases the chemo only makes the cancer recede before battling back with more voracity.
There are some incredible findings and case studies on CBD oil and the effect of THC on cancer cells. Consider the positive effects that CBD oil users are having in their battle with cancer. This is a much less invasive method in comparison to the devastating effects of chemo.
There are millions of dollars put into the effectiveness of drugs at the onset of their use. Will they fix the problem quickly? The biggest issue with Pharmaceuticals is that there is not the same money or effort put into understanding long term effects or long-term necessity of these drugs.
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