11 Ways On How to Survive The Coming Great Depression

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Of the many tragedies which have struck our nation through the years, the Great Depression of was the longest lasting and in many ways the most severe.

Few people made it through those trying years without feeling its impact. Millions of families lost jobs and homes, and even those who lost neither one often felt the pinch of hard financial times.

But even in the midst of those trying times, there were those who emerged victorious. Mostly, those were people who did not let the circumstances get them down, but instead sought ways of overcoming it. A large number of today’s well-known corporations were founded in those years, attesting to the indomitable spirits of their founders.

There are many who are saying that we are standing on the brink of the next great depression, and that our national economy is being held up by a flimsy house of cards.

If things really worsen you will want to be prepared. Here are 9 simple ways on how to survive the coming great depression.

1) Store Your Food.

Food is a necessity to life. Don’t become one of the panic merchants hunting for food when its too late. Most families don’t have enough food to last them 4 weeks in a recent study. So don’t become one of the statistics.

Other than the wealthy, the people who were impacted the least during the Great Depression were those who grew their own food. Millions of people had a vegetable garden and a henhouse behind their home. At a minimum, they would be growing some vegetables and have a steady source of eggs to feed their families. While that may not be much of a diet, when you don’t have a job, it can seem like food fit for a king.

2) Learn how to cook

Speaking about food fit for a king, we’re losing the art of knowing how to cook. We are used to using instant meals, frozen foods and “just add meat” packaged mixes. That’s great and it’s convenient, but when you don’t have the meat to add or the right ingredients to add to the packaged meal, it comes out rather flat.

Truly knowing how to cook means knowing how to make something well worth eating out of the ingredients you have available. How many people today know what to do if they don’t have butter or margarine to use in a recipe? What can you use if you don’t have enough flour? How can you turn that milk into yogurt or cheese, instead of letting it go to waste?

True cooks can turn simple ingredients into that meal fit for a king. They know how to get the most out of their spice cabinet and what they can do to make a disastrous recipe turn out anyway. Those skills can do a lot for the family’s morale and nutrition in hard times.

3) Store Clean Water.

You can survive without food for weeks, but without water you can perish quickly. Your body is made up of more than 80% water and some say it is the foundation to life. If the water is cut off to your home what is your plan? Make sure you are stocking water in case an emergency situation arises.

Water stored in plastic containers should be filled to the top so there is no air space and should be stored in a cool, dry location away from petroleum and insecticide products, and away from strong odor food or perfumed products.

4) Store Sharp Tool.

Tools such as an axe are simple but effective when gathering firewood, and hunting. Without a sharp tool, you life can be very difficult. You will want to have this tool and a sharpener close by, especially if live in an area that experience power failures.

5) Keep Warm.

Store firewood, matches, lighters to help keep you and your family warm at night. If there was a true emergency situation, how can you light a fire without these tools. Also it is a good idea to store candles. They are extremely cheap and reliable if the electricity is somehow shut off.

6) Keep a radio handy.

In all major crisis’s you want to be able to look after your family right? So you will want to know what is going on in the outside world. If there is a major power failure how will you keep up to date. With a radio you are able to keep up to date with the latest news, and events.

7) Store toiletries.

Personal hygiene is a must in any situation, good or bad. Be sure to store plenty of toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothbrushes, and other necessary products to get your through your daily hygiene rituals. We sometimes take these things for granted in our society. What would happen to you if one day all these items simply became unavailable?

8) Store Extra Gasoline.

This is a must in any situation, but especially if the economic situation gets worse. Inflation would creep in and send gas prices sky high, so stocking up on gas prices while they are cheap now will not hurt in the long run. Not only will you save money, but you will be well prepare if you have to move from one location to the other quickly, or need to travel somewhere urgently.

9) Make Good Friends With Neighbors.

Ever heard the saying two heads are better than one? Well you should get to know your neighbor yesterday. Forming small communities back in the great depression was how they each got by from day to day. For moral support and to help each other with food and water. This is a powerful way to get by hard times.

10) Have a Simple Backup Plan.

In today’s day and age, many people just simply rely on the government or other people. If the economy was to fail tomorrow these people would be in serious trouble. Have a failsafe backup plan for everything. If you rely on one system that is not designed for the conditions you are left with. You are bound to fail. Make sure you are ready today, and have several backup plans in case one of them systematically fails.

11) Keep your chin up

No matter how bad the situation is, you can always do something to make it better. I mentioned earlier that there were many great businesses which were founded during the Great Depression. That wasn’t an accident. These were men and women who spat in the eyes of destiny. They decided that they weren’t going to become part of the depression and made some bold moves. But they had the guts and the drive to make it happen.

I don’t care what survival situation you might face. The thing that will do the most to see you through is to stare the problem in the eye and laugh. You can overcome if you are convinced that you can. But if you are convinced that you can’t, you’ve already lost the battle.


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