The Collapsing All Over The World And Signs Of The End Times is one of the most successful site's with the latest news!

All over the world, there has been growing apprehension on the trend of current world events. So much has happened and continues to happen that baffle the intellectuals and drive the simple to increased search for spiritual answers. These happenings are not only limited to natural and man-made disasters, they also include the growing uneasiness towards world economic drift, which directly or indirectly result in desperate political moves both by individuals, families right up to various administrative units and countries. The world is witnessing an unprecedented struggle for power in all its bestiality. The era of the talkers, which was at its peak during the era of the cold war, where floods of books and orations threaten to deaden the human intuitive faculty, is gradually giving way to struggle for power. Even democracy, which initially places the power on the shoulders of the people regardless on whether the people’s will tallies with the will of the All Holiest, is gradually collapsing all over the world, with a few people hijacking the paraphernalia of power without the people’s consent, and making no secret of their disdain for the people’s opinion. Even our own political situation shows this clearly.

The past decades have shown an unprecedented increase in the number of earthquakes with high level of casualties. Asia and Middle East have had a good share of these earthquakes. Europe, especially France and Spain have had destructive wild fires destroying long stretches of conservation areas. The Americans have not fared less in this respect. It is estimated that the economic cost of these destruction and the reconstruction work associated with it places a heavy financial strain on international organizations and threaten the economy of weaker nations involved. This coupled with the cost of prosecuting wars. The Middle East and the imperial wars of the United States for example could further put a wage between the haves and have nots. The result is the increased agitation of the Labor Unions for more benefits to cushion inflation and government looking for more money through taxes to run the affairs of state.

Any student of history need no prophet to tell him that history is about to repeat itself in a grander scale than hitherto. Already the accompanying signs of moral decay are reaching its peak. Just watch the dressing pattern of our women and you will realize how womanhood has sunk. It happened at the pea of the Egyptian civilization; so also with the Greeks and the Romans. These were individual empires that finally collapsed, but the global scale in which these are happening raises the question: is the world system about to collapse? Are we facing the end of civilization as we know it? Or is this the end time? If it is the end time, is it the end of what?

It is strange that even in churches, temples and mosques; there has been a wide confusion as to what the end time stands for. Some call it the end of the present system of things, some refer to it as the end of the world, some see it as heralding the coming of the personage, long expected and prophesied to come. Christians expect the second coming of Christ, Islams expect the coming of the Mahdi or the guided one, and the Zoroastrians expect the coming of the Shaoshyant. Other groups have various expectations. Some even see it as the end of time. Right now, there are groups of researchers who are preoccupied with the study of ancient manuscripts, seeking to find the answer to the present day riddles. In fact there is this movement that is studying the daily calendar of the Mayans, a highly spiritual group who has recorded prophesies of every single day since 5000 years ago. It is said that the daily calendar abruptly ended on December 21 2012. All sorts of researches are being carried out to see whether that date is the terminal date of the end of the world.

Meanwhile, the growing uneasiness has been driving people out of religion in Europe and driving others into religion in Africa and America. Everywhere the human spirit is astir. Crime rate is soaring because man has been trying to draw his spiritual longings with exaggeration of physical trifles. The cause of this is the approach towards the Earth of a Star, which is more spiritual than material. The coming excites the working of the forces of the elements and the human psyche. The Star, which could be called the Star of Bethlehem, has been approaching over several decades for now. The nearer it comes the more confusion is thrown into the work of radiation researches, it will finally appear in the sky as what Mathew, one of the followers of Jesus Christ who wrote one of the gospels referred to as “The sign of the Son of man.” Other contemporary seers call it the fiery dragon” “the great Comet” etc

Already the foremost space organization in the world, NASA is worried over the growing inaccuracies in their research that they attribute to a mysterious new kind of radiations hitting the Earth plane.

Another characteristic of this age is the increase in lovelessness. With the increase in intellectual knowledge, many men’s love has grown cold. Many people are out there to exploit the confusion for their material benefits. Others pose as spiritual highwaymen who mislead their fellow travelers along the way of salvation, either because they themselves know no better or to assuage their own ego. A look around with an open mind shows lots of these impostors who make claims they cannot defend or promises they cannot fulfill. These ones cannot be classified as false prophets but as impostors because their claims sooner or later begins to haunt them until it reaches a stage where cunning and deception will appear as obvious to all who still harbor lively spirits.

From all these, it appears that the world is cascading downhill without any hope of halting, giving a promise of annihilation of this present crop of humanity. But amidst these troubles, hand in hand with these activities goes a new wave of political awareness which has been gearing into a monolithic world, an attempt at world unity. This wave has already brought down the iron curtain that separated the East from West Germany, unifying them. Since then, a wave of unification is going on. Europe created the Shengen states that share a common visa, and the list of Schengen states is growing by the day. The European Union has been expanding. Today the debate is no longer on common currency, which has been realized in the Euro, but on the common European constitution on whether it will leave out or embrace the supernatural in that the draft constitution did not mention the word, “GOD” in its preface or anywhere else.

On the spiritual level, the current explosion of Pentecostalism and the great moral crisis rocking the established and orthodox religion prevalent nowadays is a source of concern. The traditional religions of a various peoples like the Hopi Indians, the Mayans, the remnant of the Incas, the explosion of the Eastern Religions is regarded as an invasion. Such Eastern exercises like yoga and meditation is becoming a fad for the youths of the Western World and America. Suddenly there has become a level of longing for immorality, which is the impetus behind cloning. Splinter groups both violent and otherwise are breaking away on daily basis from the established temples, mosques and churches.

All these point to the fact of an end that is approaching. We are therefore, well into what is described by the East as the Khali Yoga or the age of destruction- their own way of saying what the Bible reported Jesus Christ as calling the great Tribulation of which others describe as the great Purification of mankind. It appears that all great religions copy from each other or things are all revealed through one source.” God is not partial” wrote Paul of Tarsus once to one of the churches in the early Christian era, “for anyone who comes to him from anywhere is acceptable to him.

The truth of that corroborates what one sage, a German writer and the author of the Grail Message, once wrote: “if in the course of thousands of years, man has not acted as they still do today, if they had not time and again distorted everything that was intended to help them in order to adapt it to their human way of thinking, and their earthly desires, there would now be only one uniform teaching here on earth, issuing from the will of God. There would not be so many kinds of denominations.

All the teachings that have come to earth in the past would, united, form a single flight of steps to the pedestal on which the truth is to stand as it has so often been proclaimed to mankind in various promises. There would be no difference in the interpretation much less differences in the teachings themselves. For all teachings were at one time willed by God, precisely adapted to the individual peoples and countries and formed in complete accord with their actual spiritual actuality.

The bringers of all individual teachings were forerunners of the world of truth itself.

Even in the days of the forerunners however, men have as always completely failed in every case in that soon after the passing of the prophets, who prepared the way they always distorted their words or else completely left out and withheld from posterity what they could not fully understand.

In essence, all who speak the truth must need say the same thing for the truth castle is like a pyramid and is expected to peak at the ultimate truth as the apex, the highest that the human spirit can ever be privileged to learn.

Apart from the prophets of old like those in the Bible, whose prophesies of the present time always refers to “The day of the Lord”, there are also modern prophets. High on the scale among the modern prophets is Nostradamus, the Frenchman who 500 years ago may have predicted Abacha’s killing of Ken- Saro Wiwa. Among his prophesies is the begging of the world war to be started by a man, an expert in Mohammedan Law who will be “Terror of Mankind”. The astrological signposts he gave indicated his war is to start in 1993; the year the Gulf war began. But though prophecies are meant to be fulfilled, the timing may not be exact for reasons that will be too extraneous for me to go into here.

Hence his prophesies about September 11 was not fulfilled in 1999 but in 2001. “Before and after” he wrote “war rages”. Thus we may already be in the 3rd World War, which he prophesied would last for 27 yrs. Any person who understands the concept of World War would realize that the various conflicts in different countries have the same underlying propulsion- religion and politics, which is essence in the struggle for power and supremacy no matter the name it bears. AND THIS WILL GET WORSE. So it is morning yet on purification day.


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