What Happens When You Refuse the Mark of the Beast 666?

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All those who refuse the “mark of the beast” will be killed by the global government that implements it and then makes it mandatory. All those who receive the mark, and all those who never accept Christ as Savior, will, according to the word of God in Rev. 14 [and more] spend eternity in hell.

I doubt that very many will refuse the mark unless it is specifically because they have placed their faith in Christ, as not too many people are going to be willing to be beheaded just because they don’t want a mark. The only logical reason would be, again, because they have placed their faith in Christ and realize the implications. We’re not given every detail, but I believe there will be an understanding that those who receive the mark are pledging their allegiance to the Antichrist, [the beast or lawless one from Rev. 13, 2 Thes. 2 and more who will rule the global government.] I do not believe that a single solitary person will be “deceived” into taking this mark. They will know exactly what it is. God’s word has made it clear for almost 2,000 years and there will also be a phenomenal amount of supernatural activity during the tribulation, including the 2 witnesses and 144,000 Jewish men who will be doing nothing but sharing the truth of God’s word and the gospel of Christ globally. There is even an angel in Revelation 14:6 that flies through the heavens declaring the gospel at the time that the mark is mandated, telling those who receive it what their eternal fate will be! No, there won’t be any confusion about what it is. Everyone will know. And as is the case right now people will have a choice to make. They can choose to serve the God that created them…and loves them. Or they can choose to serve the god [Satan] that hates them and has come to kill, steal and destroy. God has given each of us freewill. The choice is ours. As for me…I choose Jesus.

The link below shares a great deal about the end day prophecies that God’s word contains for those who are interested…or even curious. It gives the “bookend prophecies” that start and end the soon coming time of tribulation and much, much more. I hope those who read this will check them out as we are quickly running out of time. Normal isn’t coming back. Jesus is! His return for his children is imminent…and will precede the tribulation. Are you ready? Oh, I pray that you are because even though people can still give their lives to Christ after the rapture, [from 1 Thes. 4:16–17 and more, that removes believers from the earth prior to God’s coming judgment found in Rev. 6–19], they will then undoubtedly pay for their “better late than never faith” with their very lives. It will be horrific! God’s word tells us that only 1/3 of those who “enter” the tribulation will still be alive at the end of it. And it is only because God ends it after 7 years that any survive at all. Otherwise, all would have perished! 😦 That is the reality of what is “at the door!”

What Happens When You Refuse the Mark of the Beast 666? To Refuse the Mark of the Beast 666 is to challenge the antichrist in a physical and spiritual duel. This Bible study details the consequences of refusing to accept the mark of the beast and the antichrist. In this futuristic story, we use bible stories and two hypothetical scenarios of two Christian families who refused to take the mark of the beast. What kind of trials and tribulation will they face from the world, including their government, neighbors, church,


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