Archbishop Vigano — The “Reset” is Advent of Satan (The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture … of a … disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds…)

“This is a religious war.” 

“In practice, it is the passage from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the Antichrist, from a virtuous society that punishes evildoers to the impious and wicked society that punishes the good.”

Pope Francis’ satanic apostasy has given rise to a new Pope, Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano, based on the legitimacy of his teaching. Francis is just as phoney as Biden. Time to eschew both men.

The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture … of a … disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds… 

It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening – the boycotting of preventative treatments, erroneous therapies, ineffective vaccines, lockdowns with no usefulness, the use of masks that are absolutely useless – makes perfect sense as soon as we understand that the declared purpose – defeating the alleged pandemic – is a lie, and that the real purpose is the planning of an economic, social, and religious crisis using an artfully provoked pseudo-pandemic as a tool.

Only in this way can we understand that the simultaneity and [universality] of the provisions adopted by various Nations, the aligned narration of the media, and the behavior of political leaders. 

There is a single script under a single direction, which makes use of the collaboration and complicity of politicians and rulers, doctors and scientists, Bishops and priests, journalists and intellectuals, actors and influencers, multinationals and bankers, public employees and speculators. Profits and gains are instrumental to this, because they purchase and assure the loyalty of subordinates, but this war – may we never forget this! – is an ideological and religious war.

Masonry consists precisely in usurping the primacy of God to give it to Satan, with the apparent pretext – which is in any case erroneous and immoral – of placing God and Satan on the same level in such a way as to allow an alleged freedom of choice that morally does not exist.

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This crisis serves to create the conditions necessary to make the Great Reset inevitable, that is, the transition from the world based on Greco-Roman civilization and Christianity to a world without a soul, without roots, without ideals. 


In practice, it is the passage from the Kingdom of Christ to the Kingdom of the Antichrist, from a virtuous society that punishes evildoers to the impious and wicked society that punishes the good. 

That detestable idea of “equality” that was earlier instilled in us by freethinkers has now been used to equate good and evil, right and wrong, beautiful and ugly, under the pretext of recognizing freedom of expression; today it serves to promote evil, injustice, and what is wrong, and even make them obligatory, in order to delegitimize and prohibit goodness, justice, and beauty. …

…We therefore ought to understand that, if we passively witness the changes underway and allow the globalist ideology to be imposed on us in all of its most abject forms, we will soon be considered criminals, hostes publici because we are faithful to a jealous God who does not tolerate mixing with idols and prostitution. 

The deception of liberty, equality, and fraternity propagated by Masonry consists precisely in usurping the primacy of God to give it to Satan, with the apparent pretext – which is in any case erroneous and immoral – of placing God and Satan on the same level in such a way as to allow an alleged freedom of choice that morally does not exist. But the final purpose, the true and unconfessable one, is fundamentally theological, because the author of the rebellion is always the same, the eternally Defeated One.


Of course, what we see happening today before our eyes could have been understood and predicted for years, if we had only paid attention to what the theorizers of the Great Reset declared with impunity. 

In reality those who denounced this plan, which is currently underway, were called conspiracy theorists, ridiculed, or passed off as crazy, ostracized by mainstream information and criminalized, driven out of university professorships and the scientific community. 

Today we understand how far-sighted were the alarms that were raised, and how powerful is the organizational mechanism that has been put in place by our adversaries. In the name of freedom, we have become accustomed to seeing ourselves deprived of the right to speak and to think, and the effort to pathologize dissent in order to legitimize detention camps and to constrain movement based on the health passport is already taking place.



Faced with reality, however, it is difficult to understand the reason for which the entire world population has allowed itself to be convinced of the existence of a pandemic virus that has yet to be isolated and that it has supinely accepted limitations to personal freedom that at other times would have led to revolution and barricades in the streets. 

Even more incomprehensible is not so much the absence of a true and proper social and political reaction, but the inability to see reality in all of its crude evidence. But this is due, as we know, to the scientific action of manipulation of the masses that inevitably led to the phenomenon that social psychology calls “cognitive dissonance,” that is, the tension or discomfort we feel in the face of two opposing and incompatible ideas. 

The psychologist and sociologist Leon Festinger has demonstrated that this discomfort leads us to elaborate these convictions in three ways, in order to reduce the psychological incongruence that dissonance determines: changing one’s attitude, changing the context, or changing one’s behavior. 

Ordinary people, unable to comprehend or even recognize any rationality in what the media obsessively says about Covid, accept the absurdity of an influenzal virus presented as being more devastating than ebola, because they do not want to accept that their political leaders are lying shamelessly, with the goal of obtaining the social, economic, moral and religious destruction of a world that someone has decided to cancel. 

They do not know how to accept that the lie can be passed off as truth, that doctors are not curing and indeed are killing their patients, that civil authorities are not intervening to stop crimes and blatant violations, that politicians are all obeying a faceless lobby, that Bergoglio wants to demolish the Church of Christ to replace it with an infernal Masonic parody. 

Thus, out of this desire to not accept the deception and thus to not want to take a position against it and against those who promote it, they take refuge in the convenient mainstream narrative, suspending judgment and letting others tell them what to think, even if it is irrational and contradictory. 

Billions of people have voluntarily made themselves slaves, sacrificial victims to the globalist Moloch, allowing themselves to be persuaded of the inevitability of such a surreal and absurd situation. …

There is, however, an element that the conspirators have not taken into account: human weakness on the one hand, and the power of God on the other…


There is, however, an element that the conspirators have not taken into account: human weakness on the one hand, and the power of God on the other… A little bit at a time, this clay-footed colossus will collapse, inexorably, on its own lies and its own crimes.

…In the face of the evidence that there is no pandemic and that the deaths were deliberately caused to exaggerate the effects on the population, we must consider Covid as a scourge, not in itself, but for all that it has revealed: the plan of Satan for the establishment of the New World Order, which is meant to lead to the reign of the Antichrist. 

The Lord shows us, with the severity of a Father, that He still wants to admonish His children and misled humanity about the consequences of sin. He shows us what world awaits us if we will not know how to convert, abandoning the way of perdition and returning to Him, to obedience to His holy Law, and to the life of Grace.

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  1. 9 25 2024 is a day of prayer for our Earth and all who live here. Please take a moment to pray for Gods divine mercy and grace to overcome this evil. May Jesus reach out to even the worst of humanity. Michael in usa


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