China's Massive Three Gorges Dam Again In Peril

China is again facing massive flooding. Some problems are built to last and won't go away. The massive Three Gorges Dam and flooding issues in China fall into this category. This is a disaster waiting to happen.

The two AdvancingTime articles below from 2020 give details and indicate the dam's failure. This is most likely a case of when not if. Both articles have had some parts deleted to make them shorter and easier to read.

China's Massive Three Gorges Dam Is In Peril  --- Sunday, July 19, 2020

Over the last month, most people have not paid much attention to the weather in China. This is because it is not something we dwell upon but it merits our attention since word has been leaking out that China's massive Three Gorges Dam is in peril. Most of us have little knowledge of this dam which is the world's largest and the implications if it does fail. Its failure would result in a massive loss of life and property. After record rainfall with more expected concern is rising as the flooding continues.

It is said about 400 million people live downstream of the dam and apparently no plans have been made for their evacuation. Here are a few facts about the dam. The Three Gorges Dam is around one and a half miles long and just over 600 feet tall. It is a hydroelectric gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River by the town of Sandouping, in Yiling District, Yichang, Hubei province, China. Construction was started in the 1990s and completed in 2006. Its failure would have catastrophic consequences and could kill around half a million people.

Vice Minister of Emergency Management Zheng Guoguang said on Monday that the Yangtze, Asia's longest river, and parts of its watershed have seen the second-highest rainfall since 1961 over the past six months. Residents in the Yangtze River basin in recent weeks have expressed concerns over the ability of the massive dam to handle more heavy rain, even though authorities have been releasing floodwater from the structure. If the dam does fail the province's capital Wuhan the epicenter of China's coronavirus outbreak would be hard hit.

Some people claim this whole "flooding thing" is deliberate and a conspiracy to wash away the evidence related to Covid-19. Really? That is a reach in my opinion. 

The following piece looks at all the problems that surfaced as the plan came together and leads us to believe a disaster may soon occur.
|News Tv 004|Cold people looked at The Three Gorges Dam, the process of making a Bomb

While this is not something I would normally write about but it does circle back to highlight how decisions are made in China and the quality of construction, or lack of it, that is widespread throughout the country. Because of its size, the failure of the Three Gorges Dam would have broad ramifications for China's Communist Party and its reputation.


China's Massive Three Gorges Dam On Edge Of Failure  ---  Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The massive flooding taking place in China continues, for some reason, this story has been widely ignored by mainstream media. It is important because China's massive Three Gorges Dam is in peril. If the dam fails there will be a staggering loss of lives and property. The Three Gorges Dam is around one and a half miles long and just over 600 feet tall. About 400 million people live downstream of the dam and apparently, no plans have been made for their evacuation.

The failure of this dam, which is the largest in the world, would have catastrophic consequences. It is estimated such an event could result in around half a million people being killed. The Asia Times reported several days ago that Beijing has admitted that its 2.4-kilometer Three Gorges Dam spanning the Yangtze River in Hubei province “deformed slightly” after record flooding. The deformation occurred last Saturday when waters from western provinces including Sichuan and Chongqing along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River peaked. At this, point the biggest concern is that rain continues and more is expected.

China's Three Gorges Dam

The company that manages the dam noted that parts of the dam had “deformed slightly,” displacing some external structures. Seepage into the main outlet walls had also been reported throughout the 18 hours on Saturday and Sunday when water was discharged through its outlets. Wang Hao, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an authority on hydraulics who sits on the Yangtze River Administration Commission, has assured that the dam is sound enough to withstand the impact from floods twice the mass flow rate recorded on Saturday.

It should be noted that Wang’s remarks stoked a volley of mockery after he said the flooding could be a good thing as the dam would only become more rigid the longer it was steeped up to its top. 


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