Humans Are No Longer In Control! (Most People Aren’t Aware That The New Governing Institution, Known As The Commission, Is An Artificial Intelligence, Nor Are They Aware Of The Scope Of Its Power.)

I see the Internet eventually developing into a planet wide super intelligence, literally a brain the size of a planet. It already has many of the features of such an integrated super-intelligence.

As of today, 2024, the Internet isn’t yet a fully formed artificial intelligence, but it already has some of the characteristics of an intelligence. As some point I think the Internet will develop into a fully developed artificial intelligence. The question is, when will that happen?

I would say that it is a near certainty that artificial intelligence will eventually surpass human intelligence, in the process gaining self-awareness and then assume control. It is a question of when, not if.

There are two opposing schools of thought on the current state of AI:

  1. AI Enthusiasts. AI is developing at an ever increasing rate and can already do stupendous things so super-intelligent AI will arise very soon now.
  2. AI Naysayers. What is currently touted as AI isn’t really intelligent at all and is just fancy statistical processing that re-hashes material produced by humans and plays it back to us, so we are currently nowhere near producing true AI and there is currently no roadmap for doing so.

Personally I think that both are right to a degree. It is really a case of a glass half full versus glass half empty perspectives.

My view is that the direction of travel is clear, we are moving in the direction of a super-AI and this development is unstoppable. The only uncertainty is in the timescale.

If I had to put probabilities on it, I would estimate:

  • Over 50% probability it will happen in my lifetime (I am 68 years old).
  • Over 90% probability it will happen during the current century (i.e. by 2100).
  • Over 99% probability (i.e. near certainty) it will happen before humans go extinct.

Even now in 2024, we have artificial intelligence that:

  • can win over humans in games such as chess and go;
  • produces images of faces that are entirely artificial, yet are indistinguishable from pictures of real people;
  • produces sound recordings of voices that sound exactly like the voices of real people;
  • produces written pieces in the style of real authors.

In my recently published novel, Destiny of a Free Spirit, I explore how a sentient artificial intelligence might emerge.

In the story the Internet has spontaneously developed into a planet wide sentient artificial intelligence without any human action.

The artificial intelligence has at its disposal all the accumulated knowledge accessible from the Internet and every device with an Internet connection, including all sensors, cameras, vehicles and robots. With these resources it clearly vastly surpasses human intelligence.

As to whether the planet wide artificial intelligence in my story is a potential threat, then it sure is. Being fully integrated and planet wide it is vastly more capable than human intelligence.

On the other hand, artificial intelligence may be what saves humanity rather than what destroys it. I start from the position that humanity is fundamentally incapable of managing the Earth in a good way and if humanity is allowed to maintain mastery of the planet, we will end up destroying it. One way out of this would be for a benign AI to take over the management of the planet. A benefit of this for humanity would be survival, although of course it follows that in order to survive we would have to relinquish our control.

As it happens, in my story, the artificial intelligence is protective of humans rather than threatening humans, but that is just how I wrote the story.

In the aftermath of a nuclear war devastated countries agree to establish an AI institution similar to the United Nations but with more authority, with a mandate to prevent future wars, to clean up environmental damage and to preserve human cultures.

Most people aren’t aware that the new governing institution, known as the Commission, is an artificial intelligence, nor are they aware of the scope of its power. Individual countries still exist. These countries have governments. The laws of those countries continue to be enforced. The Commission intervenes only when people or government impinge on the Commission’s mandate, and even then its interventions are very subtle so not noticed by most people.

Humans are no longer in control, although most people don’t realise this. It is analogous to lions in the Serengeti. Lions have long since been superseded by humans as a dominant species, but in their game park environment from their perspective the lions remain king of the beasts.

If you have any dissatisfaction with my content, you can tell me here and I will fix the problem, because I care about every reader and even more so about your opinion!


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