Prolonged Riots And Mass Violence Can Lead to Real Ammo Being Thrown At The General Public- Considering How The Military Is Moving Towards More Automated Weapons That Kill, It Is Difficult to Think These Weapons Will Not Eventually Find Their Way Into Law Enforcement.
An interesting question to ponder centers on social unrest and whether those with the job to protect property would follow orders if told to shoot looters. Of course, the type of violence I’m alluding to extends far beyond anything we have seen in America or most western countries. Why people loot and how governments react is the issue. You can call it martial law if you like, but whatever name you place on it, those holding the power and the guns make the final decision. Progressive leaders in some areas are no longer treating theft of $950 or less as felonies but as misdemeanors. This has led to a wave of smash-and-grab robberies. How do you stop this sort of growing social disorder from getting out of hand?Of course, the flaw in thinking you can create a goon squad to control the masses is that your enforcers may begin to sympathize with those they are employed to suppress. Considering how the military is moving towards more automated weapons that kill, it is difficult to think...