Society of Terror: A Global Holocaust That Puts People In Survival Mode Would Lend Itself Nicely To The Police State Being Erected To Contain The People

For several years many people have had the opinion that the global elite have had a plan to kill off a significant portion of the worlds population and take complete control of the resources and people. The raping of the worlds financial assets by these people has insured that they must do something to cover their tracks in a way to avert repercussions on themselves from an irate population. A global holocaust that puts people in survival mode would lend itself nicely to the police state being erected to contain the people.

Today, we are witnessing the atrocious results of this dynamic, as people around the world are participating in the plot with their chosen governments to exterminate large numbers of society by their cooperation, support, indifference, and especially their silence. The ‘state,’ ‘regime,’ and ‘government’ are certainly murderers in whole, but it is important to attach names to all that take part in the wholesale slaughter of others.

The extermination of societies through genocide and democide is achieved in many ways, from war, forced starvation, psychological destruction, mass imprisonment, and sterilization; from chemical agents, bombs, nuclear weapons, and now the killing will be due to ‘vaccination.’ Surely I jest you say, but I do not, as the indiscriminate killing of hundreds of millions or billions of people around the world at the hands of the powerful is sought. Some call it population control, some call it depopulation, but it is simply planned mass murder to benefit the agendas of the few. The tool being used to accomplish this goal is the untested, experimental, mind-altering, gene-changing, toxic poison called the Covid-19 ‘vaccine,’ and it is the newest weapon of mass destruction.

Many are having horrible effects due to these injections, and many are dying. Some are dying immediately after taking this shot, some are dying after a few hours or days, others after a few weeks, and the long-term effects at this point are virtually unknown. It is as if people are deaf, dumb, and blind when it comes to logic, as this falsely claimed affliction called Covid that supposedly has an survival rate of 99.98%, is being treated as a deadly pandemic, and the ‘cure’ recommended is a ‘vaccine’ that kills many more than the purposely created fake virus scam.

The agendas of the so-called claimed elites are clear, as evidenced in just these few quotes of many below. The desire to eliminate much of the population has been voiced over and over again, but the people still refuse to listen, and in fact, stand in line to take the state’s poison for something that has never once been separated, purified, properly isolated, or identified, and has not even been proven to exist.

If an enterprising group of people wanted to gain control of a country or even the world, a highly contagious and deadly virus would be a good weapon to use. When released into the population it would cause unmitigated chaos. It has the potential to collapse every major system people depend on for daily life. The healthcare system, energy, transportation, security, financial and food production of an entire country could be collapsed in a matter of months. In a previous article I noted that they war gamed a pandemic several years ago and one thing that came out was that once the economy shut down they had no idea how to start it up again.

Anyone that had the cure for this bug would be in the position to select who gets saved and who does not. That is the whole point of bio warfare. Kill the enemy while having the ability to protect your own troops. When the British had trouble with Indians in America they simply sent them small pox infected blankets and within a few weeks the Indians were ravaged with disease leaving them unable to effectively continue fighting.

There is a movie called ULTRAVIOLET that has some similar undertones to what might happen soon. The government created a virus that got out and infected some people. These people became the new enemy that allowed total government control. When these people were all but eliminated the government developed a new virus to release into the atmosphere and infect everyone else. This would force them to go to the government on a regular basis to get the necessary treatment to continue living.

Who can forget the mural at the Denver International Airport that depicts people dying at the feet of a soldier wearing a gas mask. This may be the future we have in store if this is the nefarious plan of some evil group seeking total control. If this is the plan I suspect it is only the first of a multi phase plan to wage global war and consolidate resources and land holdings for the select few. Any country infected with a deadly virus would be hard pressed to wage war or even protect its own borders against an enemy with immune soldiers.

There will no doubt be people that have natural immunity or access to natural cures that keep them healthy and these will likely be one enemy that government seeks out in the future. They cannot risk the failure to control some and prevent the control of all. The best thing that people can do at this time is to prepare for system wide failure if it should happen and educate themselves on natural remedies that are out of the control of government purveyors of ill health.

If Americans ever revolted this disease could give the government the means to control the population. Anyone who wanted the cure would have to succumb to the government healthcare system. This would leave the rebels outside the system and easier to identify.

Let us not forget that the government has promised trillions more to people than it will ever have the ability to deliver. There are only two ways to solve that problem. Either they can default on the promises in some form or they can eliminate the people that are supposed to get them. To default would cause riots and imminent danger for those in government so another way would be more palatable for them. Zbiginew Brezinski once gave a speech and said it is now easier to kill one million people than it is to control one million people. That may be part of the solution we have in store as time goes on. Obamacare will surely kill many in the years to come as healthcare is rationed and a good pandemic would help as well.

Here is another aspect of Ebola that no one has talked about. If this disease becomes rampant in America, it will most likely be picked up by other species of animals here. These animals may not die from Ebola but they can become carriers of it. With the disease spreading among the many animal species it may cause an untold number of mutations that have the capability to reinfect humans. Just like in Africa where some species now transmit the disease to humans, this could lead to Americans needing shots every year from Ebola just like they now need annual Flu shots for the prevalent strain that year.

This can also make the home production of meat almost impossible as individuals will not be able to afford the testing necessary to insure their flocks are Ebola Free. This can also put an end to hunting as we know it due to the infectious nature of this disease. This could make meat consumption in this country something only the rich and well connected will be able to afford as only government certified meat will be available for sale. The testing of this meat will raise the price considerably. That will probably make the corporations engaged in this type of activity very happy.

There are an untold number of problems this disease can cause in this country and that is the reason people should be afraid not only of the disease but of the government response to it. The government can actually make it much worse than it would otherwise be. With the lack of trust in government today the people have a great deal to be worried about. If we are entering the end game of some plot, we will most likely be inundated with multiple crises at once as time goes on. This will keep people off balance and looking to government for help. At this time people need to stay as informed as possible to keep ahead of the next planned crisis. Things will likely get worse from here so prepare yourself for that.


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