
Showing posts from September, 2024

America’s Collapsing Because it’s the World’s First Poor Rich Country — A Middle Class Falling Into Ruin, The Majority Of People Now Effectively Poor

There are days I feel like I read dystopian statistics for a living. And then there are day when the dystopian statistics take even my jaded breath away. Here’s one: 43% of American households can’t afford a budget that includes housing, food, childcare, healthcare, transportation, and a cellphone. Translation: nearly half of Americans can’t afford the basics of life anymore. Does that take your breath away too? It should. And yet it might not come as a surprise. You might know it intimately. The statistics say there’s an even chance you’re…living it. What a grim and bizarre reality. Half of people are effectively poor in the world’s richest country. What the? The folks that did the study above call this new class of people ALICE, for “asset limited, income constrained, employed.” It’s a sharp way to think about American collapse. Let me translate this term, too: the people formerly known as the American middle class. Let’s take each of those terms one by one. “Asset limited” means tha

Living in a World of Ongoing Shortages: Stockpiling Food Might Be Your Best Investment When The SHTF

As Americans, we are so accustomed to living in a world full of plenty that we’re a bit taken back by seeing store shelves that are poorly stocked. Even though our stores are better stocked right now than much of the world is accustomed to seeing, for us, it’s a bit hard to accept. Yet this situation isn’t likely to change anytime soon. These are the long-term economic effects of the pandemic, which some warned about, but most of those in authority ignored. That wasn’t just here in the United States either; much of the world ignored those warnings. Because the supply chain for most products snakes its way through several countries, shutting down factories in one country can have a long-lasting impact on the other side of the world. We weren’t the only country experiencing lockdowns in 2020. Some countries instituted them to a much greater extent than we did, to the point where people were going hungry because the food stores were closed. Our lockdowns were initiated in a rather selecti

What To Prepare For Depending On The State You Live In

Since 2020 the nation has gone through some radical changes. There are more people prepping now than ever before. That should tell you just how much has changed in such a short time in our nation. While the federal government is working to figure out this moment in history, state level governance is stepping in, too. Along with mother nature, each state is starting to get a clearer picture of its threat profile. The first step in eliminating all this fear is to understand what it is that threatens you. Then you can prepare for it. Below you are going to find all fifty states and a threat profile for each state. This should help you decide what to prepare for depending on your state: Alabama Natural Disaster: Severe Storms, Flooding, Hurricanes, Tornadoes Civil Threats: Alabama has a contentious history with a massive constitution that has been amended over nine hundred times. Most areas are not densely populated but there is a high poverty rate. Poverty Rate: 15.5 Alabama is home to tw