
Showing posts from June, 2024

How A Hero SAS Soldier KILLED 5 Terrorists In 7 Seconds… With A 12-Gauge Shotgun!

“Breach! Breach! Breach!” The SAS team entered through a doorway into the courtyard in a raid on an ISIS outpost in Baghdad, assault rifles at the ready. They were immediately met by heavily armed Jihadis… wearing suicide vests filled with plastic explosives and ball bearings. The terrorists were  about to detonate themselves , blowing the SAS team to hell… …And the lead SAS man didn’t have a rifle. Armed only with his breaching tool – a 12-gauge shotgun – and somehow moving fast despite the weight of the GIANT BRASS BALLS he was lugging around… …the SAS soldier raised his weapon and literally DECAPITATED three jihadis with the 12-gauge, firing as fast as John Wick on a caffeine bender. But the fight, for this incredibly brave SAS commando, was only just starting. This is the story of… How A Hero SAS Soldier KILLED 5 Terrorists In 7 Seconds… With A 12-Gauge Shotgun! Tactical Shooting Training “John Wick” Style The SAS breach team’s ears were still ringing from the blasts of the lead ma

The Hunger Games: The Potential Consequences Of Climate Change On Global Food Security- Experts Say Such Disruptions Are Likely to Occur More Frequently As A Warming Climate Plays Havoc With Global Food Production.

On 2015 the World Wildlife Fund and the Center for American Progress conducted a crisis game examining global food security,  Food Chain Reaction . The game design was undertaken by CNA, with funding and technical support from Cargill and Mars. According to a report on the simulation by  Bloomberg : The year is 2026. Flooding, worsened by climate change, has devastated Bangladesh and driven millions of hungry refugees to its border with India. Worried about unrest and disease, India asks other nations for help. The U.S. and China respond — China with aid deliveries, the U.S. by boosting aid to Pakistan, which has its own food crisis that’s adding to India’s tensions. That assistance helps India focus on Bangladesh. The crisis recedes. While the scenario was fictional, two food-price shocks since 2008 have prompted riots and fueled revolutions around the world. Experts say such disruptions are likely to occur more frequently as a warming climate plays havoc with global food production.

VERY IMPORTANT ALERT: The Global Reset Will Come Like A Thief In The Night (It Is Absolutely Unreal How The World Pays so Much Respect to Mediocrity Or Even Incompetence When It Comes to Running The Financial System.)

As the world edges closer to the next crisis, today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies, told that the global reset will come like a thief in the night. Where have all the dollars gone? Long time passing Where have all the dollars gone? Long time ago Where have all the dollars gone? Uncle Sam has spent them everyone When will he ever learn? When will he ever learn? The Global Reset Is Coming Egon von Greyerz:  “When Pete Seeger wrote the famous song “Where have all the flowers gone” back in 1955, little did he know that the total US debt, which was a few hundred billion dollars at the time, would, 63 years later, be almost $70 trillion.  But there is no reason why Seeger should have known. He was a singer-songwriter and his legacy will last a lot longer than Nixon’s, Greenspan’s, Bernanke’s, and all the other players that have contributed to this massive growth in credit and destruction of the dollar. While Seeger’s song – a work

Can We Survive the Depopulation Agenda of the Global Elite? It is Apparent That Humanity Cannot Look To The Sociopathic Leaders Of The United Nations And America’s Top Academic Leaders For Salvation

Do you remember when your mother asked you if you would jump off a cliff if everyone else was doing it? It turns out that all of us would have been wise to heed the advice from our mothers as the globalists aren’t just encouraging us to jump off a cliff, they are, in fact, pushing us off of the proverbial cliff in a deliberate attempt to fulfill the their mandate which is to eliminate a substantial portion of humanity. Meanwhile, the globalists will be safely tucked away in some underground structure free from the harm that they are perpetrating upon humanity. Sadly, many of our friends and family members are willingly going to their demise without so much as a whimper. Heretofore, the topic of intentional depopulation was the perceived product of paranoid delusional conspiracy theorists who had too much time on their hands. The most frequent refrain from the unaware is that “they” would never do that. However, the globalists have left an unmistakable paper trail in which their true ag

FEMA Estimate- If America Starts A Nuclear War With Russia, Which Countries In The World Will Remain Unharmed?

Pretty much any country without a US or Russian military base would be un-hit. The US, France, the UK, and Russia would probably all be hit directly, and a few US military bases in Turkey, Japan, Italy, Germany, and maybe Bahrain, Qatar, and Afghanistan might be hit. If Russia were very trigger happy, it might lob a nuke or two at ports in Belgium and the Netherlands, maybe EU headquarters in Brussels too, and if the US were really trigger happy, it might nuke a few Russian bases in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Syria, and the naval base in Crimea. Bottom line though, 90% of the world is not even a target. It is very hard to say for sure what the climate impacts would be, but they would not be as severe as some answers are suggesting. Russia might lob a few at some non-nuclear NATO countries, but their arsenal would be spread thin. In 1990, Russia had the potential to hit the US with 6,139 nukes in a matter of minutes on ICBMs—today that number is under 2,000. Even in 1990, 6,139 nukes was n