
The First 15 Foods You Should Stockpile For Disaster

A good stockpile of food will go a long way toward helping you survive the aftermath of any disaster or life crisis, especially when grocery stores are emptied. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that there are people who are not preppers who nevertheless instinctively know to stockpile food. This really isn’t surprising when you consider that through most of mankind’s history, stockpiling food was essential to survival — specifically surviving the winter months. During those months, wildlife is bedded down trying to stay warm and plants are dormant. If one didn’t have a good stockpile of food, their chances of survival were pretty darn slim. But knowing to stockpile food and knowing  what  to stockpile are two different things. The vast majority of what the average American family eats is unsuitable for stockpiling, because it falls into one of three categories: Junk food – Lots of carbs, lots of sugar, lots of salt and lots of chemicals, but not much nutrition. Fresh food – Foods that

WARNING! 90% of the Population Would Die Without Electricity

When a large electromagnetic pulse (EMP) or geomagnetic disturbance (GMD) event occurs—which, according to Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), there is “100% certainty” will happen at some time in the future—as many as 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. could die. Johnson, chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs, posed questions to witnesses testifying on Capitol Hill before his committee. He asked R. James Woolsey, chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, what would happen to society if the electrical grid were to be down for an extended period of time, such as a year or two, following an EMP event? Woolsey responded, “It’s briefly dealt with in the commission report of [2008]. There are essentially two estimates on how many people would die from hunger, from starvation, from lack of water, and from social disruption. One estimate is that within a year or so, two-thirds of the United

First 5 Places in America You Don’t Want To Be When Society Collapses

What would you say is the number one threat to lead to an end-of-the-world-like scenario? A terrorist attack? An EMP strike? A natural disaster? An economic collapse? All of these are possibilities, but in each one, a thick population density will make it far worse. There’s no denying that people panic when a crisis occurs, and that panic is only multiplied when more people are living closely to one another. More people will be killed in a shorter period of time in the major cities, the roads will be clogged as people and families try to escape, and furthermore, just look at the other threats that we listed first. Many of them are directly connected to population density. If an economic collapse were to occur, then urbanized cities would be simply unable to rebuild their economies as fast as more rural areas (with coal mining, logging, farmer’s markets, etc.) could. There are other factors that make certain areas in America unsafe and unsuitable for outlasting an apocalypse: Strong nat

The Zombie Apocalypse is Here, and it’s only going to get Worse! (This isn’t a science fiction movie; It’s a reality.)

  A look at Real-World Zombies: Separating Fact from Fiction Of all the horror tropes, zombies might be the most accessible because the idea of the dead rising from their graves dates back to when early man was living in caves. Since not much is known about what happens to us when we die, the idea that corpses could somehow be reanimated is something that has always captured people’s imaginations. Are Zombies Real? Before we jump into why we believe we may be in the midst of a modern-day zombie apocalypse, lets look at real examples of zombies in nature. Yes, you heard me right. There are actually numerous real-world examples that closely parallel what we see in zombie books and movies. In nature, we see multiple animals, insects, bacteria and Fungi that not only act like zombies but can turn their hosts into zombies. Zombie Ants: Ophiocordyceps unilateralis — the zombie-ant fungus Mind controlled zombies infected with some sort of zombie-virus don’t just live in the world of science f

What Happens When You Refuse the Mark of the Beast 666?

Gone viral! –  Inside the Trump Family: Unraveling the Mystery of Their Unstoppable Energy and Robust Health! All those who refuse the “mark of the beast” will be killed by the global government that implements it and then makes it mandatory. All those who receive the mark,  and  all those who never accept Christ as Savior, will, according to the word of God in Rev. 14 [and more] spend eternity in hell. I doubt that very many will refuse the mark unless it is specifically because they have placed their faith in Christ, as not too many people are going to be willing to be beheaded just because they don’t want a mark. The only logical reason would be, again, because they have placed their faith in Christ and realize the implications. We’re not given every detail, but I believe there will be an understanding that those who receive the mark are pledging their allegiance to the Antichrist, [the beast or lawless one from Rev. 13, 2 Thes. 2 and more who will rule the global government.] I do

Are You “Living In a Death Spiral”? These 6 States Will Collapse During the Next Recession

Being on the hook is not going to be pretty when interest rates are raised back up, and debts come due. At a personal level, it will mean more stress and juggling to make ends meet. For the larger economy, it will mean cities and states unable to meet obligations or balance their budgets – ending in bankruptcy, and bailouts. Meanwhile, millions of people are relying on that money to keep coming in order to survive. Something is going to go very wrong. Relying upon government to function and send you money is not a secure plan. The mathematics are terrifying and dismal, and so is being caught up in these collapsing states. In the next phase of the financial crisis, the debt supercycle will become the most defining feature of the big hurt that will fall on nearly everyone. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? That’s the  dire warning that Goldman Sachs issued  about what they termed the Third Wave of the global collapse. But it hasn’t come, at lea